Structural C-Profiles

Horizontal application
Fast installation
Light materials
Vertical application

Designed specifically for fixing to SFS studs, to support EVT II helping hand brackets, where the vertical profile position is out of alignment with the SFS stud. 

The C-profile when compared to the tophat, removes the requirement to notch insulation and therefore has a reduced impact on the thermal bridging.

Designed to support light to medium weight facades. For heavy weight facades, if the C-profile is at capacity, use the structural tophat design. 

C-profiles are designed with a material thickness of 3mm in fixing locations for improved performance, while also taking some of the additional weight away from other areas, assisting in the overall cost of the C-profile.  

Fixed point holder channel has increased legs for stiffness to support the majority of facades types based on standard UK wind loads.

Bracket and profile configuration is specified by RJ Facades technical department. To submit your project specifics please go to Facade Designer.

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